My Portfolio

My Own Website

Designing a website for my own web design business felt like Leonardo DiCaprio’s Inception. The best way to show that I can design a good website was to design my own website in the best way possible. I rolled up my sleeves and did my best for the best.

It’s All Emotional

When I started working on designing my own website (after designing websites for many clients), what I felt was an excitement that was hard to overcome. I wanted to turn this excitement into an advantage and I worked until the morning with the energy this excitement gave me. After designing pages and elements in a way that I feel totally comfortable, I laid my head on the pillow in peace and happiness. It’s all emotional.
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Animated and Dynamic Pages

The pages of this website have been designed as dynamic and animated as possible, both for faster access by users and to be at the top aesthetically. Instead of loading the whole page when users enter the page, new elements are loaded as users scroll down the page. In this way, we get a dynamic and fast experience. You have to admit, it looks very nice too.

Modern, Minimalist and Responsive

My website is a website that closely follows the modern and minimalist design line, is easy to use and you can easily find what you are looking for. Like all websites I’ve designed, this one has been developed to adapt to all desktop and mobile device screens to meet today’s needs. I hope you will like it.

Couple of Images

I like to define myself as a Swiss Knife in terms of my profession. I am a web designer, graphic designer, videographer, and much more. One of the things that I like most to do when I finish designing a website is to create mockup graphics and animations of that website. Here couple of mockup images.
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Let's Work On Your Next Project Together

If excellency is what you are looking for in your next idea, let’s work on it together. From videography to web design, from graphic design to any other digital project, I will be your personal assistant in your journey towards the best. Send me an email to get in touch.

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